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The World of Wellbeing

Stuart Watson

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

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Wellbeing has become a popular term in recent times, it revolves around how you feel from the inside and your general health- anything from physical to mental. In an (almost) post pandemic world, many people are using their sense of freedoms to explore different areas that they would not previously have interest in. People have also found new ways to bring joy to their day, with morning routines and extracurricular activities being integrated into people’s daily routines.

Wellbeing can positively affect your mood, which leads to better relationships with peers and family members. In a world that’s telling you to grind more and sleep less, we need to find ways to avoid getting burnt out and run down.

It can be overwhelming to start incorporating a full wellness routine into your day, but it can be as simple as taking five minutes to yourself to do a guided meditation. This is a proven stress reliver and the benefits of continual practise can include increased concentration, improved relationships and increased motivations.

Here are some easy wellness rituals you can do daily, even weekly if you have a busy schedule:

· Run yourself a warm bath with Epsom salts

· Practice gratitude (things you are grateful for, even small things)

· Journaling- can be a great way to get worries out of your head and into a page

· Try to read more; it calms the mind

· Get out in nature- even if it is only for 10 minutes

· Try to increase your step count

· Turn off your screens at least an hour before bed, you’ll feel less groggy in the mornings

· Aim for 8 hours every night to let your body recover from the day

· Try to learn a small something new every day, anything from a random fact to a way to help your children with their homework

Starting to put wellness as a priority in your life will have many positives and by starting today you will be one step closer than you where yesterday.

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